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Pintado plan

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The Pintado plan

The Pintado plan is a street map drawn in 1812 by Vicente Sebastián Pintado, Surveyor General of Spanish West Florida.

The very lengthy but full title of the map is

Borrador del nuevo proyecto para el arreglo de dos plazas en la Poblacion de Panzacola á los extremos oriental y occidental de la actual determinacion de la extension de cada una y la posicion y dimensiones de los Solares para fabricar el Templo y otros Edificios publicos.

The plan was drawn after a Spanish decree mandated the renaming of plazas and streets within the town, as well the establishment of a new church and government buildings. Pintado's plan received the approval of the city council on December 7, 1813.[1]

Copies of the map are held in the collections of the George A. Smathers Libraries of the University of Florida and in the Vicente Sebastián Pintado Papers at the Library of Congress.



The map depicts the street grid in the core old city of Pensacola; most of the grid and street names depicted are still intact today. Among the streets named on the Pintado plan are:

What is now Zaragoza Street is not contiguous on the Pintado plan, but rather split among streets labelled "Calle de la Recova" and "Calle del Tivoli de Reding". The shoreline is depicted near where present-day Main Street would be.


Confusingly, what is now Seville Square is depicted as "Plaza de Fernando 7o" (Plaza of Ferdinand VII), while the plaza to the west that currently bears that name is called "Plaza de la Constitución" (Constitution Plaza).

This is the result of a Spanish decree dated August 14, 1812, which mandated that Plaza de Fernando 7o be renamed Plaza de la Constitución (in honor of the Spanish Constitution of 1812) and Plaza de Sevilla be renamed Plaza de Fernando 7o.[2]


Various lots and buildings are marked on the map by letters; below the map is a corresponding legend:

Letter Label Translation
A Consistorial de Guardia principal Consistorial house of the main guard
B Idem para Carcel publica As before, for public jail
C Idem para contaduria y Aduana As before, for accounting and customs office
D Illegible Illegible
E Terreno que se reserva para Recova y Almacenes publicos Land reserved for public warehouses and market
I Terreno reservado para Hospital Nacional Land reserved for domestic hospital
L Solar para fabricar Almances Nacionales Lot for constructing ?
N Que se da pagando estas su estimacion, sobre lo que se signio expediente ?
