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Hyperactive Youth

110 bytes added, 00:10, 8 February 2019
[[Steven Winfrey]] and a local aspiring artist by the name of [[Thomas Manning]] formed Hyperactive Youth near the end of 1984. HY could be found at local and out of town shows handing out flyers on different subjects involving politics and unity in the Hardcore scene. They also put out a short-lived zine called "Zero Expectations." Other members of HY included Mike Wilder, future N.C.S., Blount and Hollywood Hate guitarist [["Pensacola Bob" Peterson]] and [[Tony Butler]].
Mike Produced a zine called the [[Smell of Dead Fish]] that was a homegrown collection of his early writing and interviews with bands. But after only 2 or 3 issues, Mike moved away, and Skott Cowgill kept the 'zine running for many years after.
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