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Young Men's Business League

Standing: C. F. Zeek, 1st Vice-President; William Fisher, President; W. M. Ball, 2nd Vice-President
Seated: R. E. L. Daniell, Secretary; Sol Cahn, Treasurer; J. M. Roberts, 3rd Vice-President

The Young Men's Business League of Pensacola was a professional group established in 1895.

According to the 1897 Bliss publication Pensacola of To-day:

The membership consists of over one hundred members, among whom are numbered some of the leading citizens of the city, embracing every profession. During the existence of the league several thousand dollars have been expended for the advancement of the city and county and much good will surely follow the efforts of the league in the future. The rooms are located at 8 South Palafox street, where in connection with the Chamber of Commerce, the other commercial organization of the city, it occupies the entire two-story building in which is stored the West Florida Exhibit which created such favorable comments at the Atlanta Exposition. The League and the Chamber have joint charge of the exhibit and it is proposed by the League, with the assistance of the Chamber, to add to the exhibit, which now consists only of fruits and other productions of the soil of Western Florida, specimens of shells, birds, fish and minerals. When this shall have completed the city will have an exhibit which it may well be proud of and will be a monument to the two organizations.[1]


  1. Pensacola of to-day: Bliss' quarterly, vol. III, no. 3. January 1897. (PDF version available at PALMM)