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Sam Hall

1 byte removed, 05:06, 3 February 2023
Changed present tense to past tense in first sentence.
| children =James, Sam, Becca
'''Samuel Thornton Hall''' is was president of the [[Pensacola City Council]]. He was elected to serve as the representative for District 2 in November [[2006]]. In 2010, Hall changed to the At Large District B seat and ran unopposed.
Hall is retired from the United States Coast Guard. He co-authored ''Threats and Challenges to Maritime Security 2020''. He served as an Intelligence Anaylst (Eco-terrorism, Organized Crime) and Intelligence Watch Officer. He was a founding member of the Maritime Intelligence Fusion Center (PAC). He also worked as an Operations Chief in Alien Interdiction and Counter-narcotics.
Hall and his wife Diana have two sons, James and Sam, a daughter, Becca, a daughter-in-law, Beth (married to James) a grandson Byron, and a granddaughter Lily.
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