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History of Naval Air Station Pensacola

320 bytes added, 18:02, 21 October 2007
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[[Image:NAS Pensacola;vt15.jpg|thumb|right|The first lighthouse built by the U.S. on the Florida coast]]
In During the [[Civil War]], when New Orleans the Navy Yard was captured alternately held by both Union and Confederacy forces in . The yard first changed hands on [[January 12]], [[18621861]], two days after Florida's secession from the Union, when Union forces surrendered the yard to Major [[William H. Chase]] and his Confederate troops. The Confederacy held the yard until [[May 9]], [[1862]], fearing attack from when they set fire to the westyard in an attempt to destroy it, retreated from as the Union-held [[Fort Pickens]] rendered the Navy Yard and reduced most yard useless as a base of operations. Union forces secured the facilities to rubblearea the next day.
After the war, the ruins at the yard were cleared away and work was begun to rebuild the base. Many of the present structures on the air station were built during this period, including the stately two- and three-story houses on North Avenue. Many Unfortunately, many of these newly rebuilt structures were destroyed by the great [[hurricane of 1906]] and the resulting [[storm surge]].
=== Naval Aeronautical Station ===