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British Pensacola

2 bytes added, 18:43, 20 March 2009
In [[1764]], British civil engineer [[Elias Durnford]] surveyed the town and laid out a street grid which remains mostly preserved to the present day. British Pensacola centered on a large public space which included modern-day [[Plaza Ferdinand VII]], [[Seville Square]] and the space between the two (the area which today lies between [[Palafox Street|Palafox]] and [[Alcaniz Street]]s and south of [[Intendencia Street]]). The water line at that time was located approximately where [[Main Street]] lies today. Within the public space was a large fort.
During the course of the British occupation, the five successive Crown-appointed governors of West Florida took up residence in Pensacola:
*[[George Johnstone]] (1763-1767)