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Sam Hall

156 bytes added, 20:55, 1 June 2008
Hall is one of several community forces who pushed for comprehensive charter review for the City of Pensacola. The City Charter had not had undergone comprehensive review since it was adopted in 1931 by an action of the City Council. It had never been adopted by the electorate in Pensacola, which was a concern of the Pensacola Bay Area League of Women Voters (PBALWV). Moreover, the League of Women Voters cited flaws with provisions for citizen-led referenda that allowed the City of Pensacola's Attorney to interpret the provision at his or her convenience.
Hall failed to get a second the first two times he moved to adopt charter review but was successful the third time around getting not only a second but four votes total for charter review, which was two short of the required six. But, after the League joined with a movement proposing a strong mayor form of government to replace Pensacola's Council-Manager form, Hall was able to get all ten to vote with himto form a Charter Review Commission.
As noted above, Hall's blog got him into hot water with City employees over a joke he relayed repeated in his weblog, but in the nd end it had quite a remarkable effect. Parker Circle's Neighborhood Association president wrote Hall to say that his neighborhood had been transformed from a "normal" neighborhood to an "envied" neighborhood, owing mostly to the attention paid to the neighborhood parkby the City of Pensacola's Parks and Recreation Department. Ten homes went on the market and ten homes sold in Parker Cirle even in an extraordinarily slow housing market. The "tipping point" was the park.
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